Mayfair Art Gallery photography for Opera Gallery’s opening/private view.

Thanks so much to Opera Gallery in Mayfair London for getting in touch to have me photograph their grand opening.

Josh Caius the best art gallery event photographer in London photographing for Opera Gallery in Mayfair

Guest observing a painting by Andy Denzler. Photo: Josh Caius

I always love photographing art gallery events and this was a particular highlight for me. As a Dubuffet and Karel Appel fan it was a pleasure to photograph this event, which had a number of beautiful pieces now available from private collections.

Josh Caius photographing for prestigious high net worth art gallery in Mayfair, London

Guest at Opera Gallery in New Bond Street. Photo: Josh Caius

Josh Caius specialises in art gallery photography in London

Artist Ron Arad playing on “Good Ping Pong Table”. Photo: Josh Caius

Artist Ron Arad was also there, taking over much of the top floor with his fantastic resin pieces and a very popular ping pong table that Ron himself played with guests for a portion of the night.

Josh Caius, best event photographer in London

Art gallery event photography by Josh Caius in Mayfair

Best photographer for art events in London

Art gallery event photography by Josh Caius in Mayfair

Photography for high end galleries in London

Art gallery event photography by Josh Caius in Mayfair

Artworks downstairs by Andy Denzler were rightfully popular and beautifully curated for a more contemplative experience.

Thanks so much to Katherine McMahon for taking me on for this job, and being such a pleasure to work with. 

British Museum X National Gallery of Victoria

A big thank you to The British Museum and National Gallery of Victoria for having me photograph the Egyptian artefacts during conservation and pack-up, before they travel to Australia for the Pharaoh exhibition, opening June 2024.

Portrait photographer Josh Caius photographing at The British Museum

Portrait of Marie Vandenbeusch in The British Museum’s Egyptian Sculpture Gallery

One part of the brief was to photograph Marie Vandenbeusch. Marie is a Project Curator in the Department of Egypt and Sudan at the British Museum, responsible for curating international touring exhibitions, such as the Pharaoh exhibition for at the NGV.

Josh Caius photographer taking portriats for press at The British Museum's Egyptian Sculpture gallery

Portrait of Marie Vandenbeusch in The British Museum’s Egyptian Sculpture Gallery

I also had the pleasure to photograph Stephanie Vasiliou, the British Museum’s senior conservator of stone, wall paintings and mosaics. Stephanie showed us some of the restoration techniques used for the Egyptian stone pieces.

Photograph of employees in action at The British Museum

Stephanie Vasiliou photographed in the conservation room at the British Museum

Close up photograph of a conservators hands at The British Museum

Stephanie Vasiliou photographed in the conservation room at the British Museum

Portrait of a woman conserving artefacts at The British Museum

Stephanie Vasiliou photographed in the conservation room at the British Museum

Photographer photographing laser treatment at The British Museum

Stephanie Vasiliou photographed in the laser cleaning room at the British Museum

As I have a background in ceramics, and love materials generally, this was a really exciting commission for me to photograph. Seeing these talented conservators and curators in action, in their place of work was fascinating. It felt like a real honour to be back in the conservation room, having visited a few years prior to photograph a students’ tour.

Photography of the storage room at The British Museum

Conservators packing Egyptian sculptures in a storage room at The British Museum

Photographer for conservation at The British Museum

Restoring an Egyptian stone at The British Museum

Photographic portrait of a conservator at The British Museum

Restoring an Egyptian stone at The British Museum

Photograph of a storage room at The British Museum.

A storage room housing Egyptian Sculptures ready for moving to Austraila for the Pharaoh exhibition.

Thanks also to James Maiki who produced video on the shoot.

For more info check out this article from The Age

Sandi Toksvig photographed by Josh Caius for BBC Radio/Hand In Hand International Appeal

It was an honour to meet Sandi Toksvig briefly for a mini photoshoot at BBC Broadcasting House, in one of their older studios, for a Radio Appeal to boost recognition and funds for the charity Hand In Hand International.

The brief was to keep the images literally light, lighthearted and enough space for text to be added on the left side of the photo.

Sandi Toksvig photographed by Josh Caius at the BBC Broadcasting House, for Hand in Hand International radio appeal.

Sandi Toksvig at BBC Radio 4 photographed by Josh Caius

Sandi is as fantastic and effortlessly witty in real life as she appears on TV. We had less than five minutes to set up the lighting (in a very dark, yellow-lit old studio) and get about 12 different shots. With Sandi we managed it in 3!

Sandi Toksvig and Dorothea Arndt photographed by Josh Caius at the BBC Broadcasting House, for Hand in Hand International radio appeal.

Dorothea Arndt and Sandi Toksvig photographed at the BBC by Josh Caius

Hand In Hand International (HiH) is a great charity doing important things, and the staff are really passionate. 

“In Kenya, Tanzania, India and Afghanistan we teach women the skills they need to earn a living – running their own businesses on their own terms, so their families don’t have to live in poverty”. HiH

Thanks to Jen Glyn, Dorothea Arndt and Ann Dickinson at HiH for the correspondence and help on the day which made it all go so smoothly.

Royal Society of Arts event photography - reSHAPE 2023

I was honoured to be asked back to photograph the reSHAPE: Investing for Impact at Scale event at the RSA this year. The choice to have images in black and white was really inspired and suits the creative nature of the event.

Freelance events manager Sarah Umar was my main point of contact with Sean Farran for Aspect overseeing the whole event, and clearly knew how to put on a good multi-track, multi-faceted event and make it all run smoothly, which is no mean feat!

Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts. Canapes.
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts
Corporate event photography at Royal Society of Arts